June 2011, I finally got the courage to visit my gynecologist. Me and bf are planning to have a child and we want to make sure that everything is perfect and in good condition.. My gynecologist do the routine pap smear and pelvic exam. Btw girls my gynecologist is so nice and lovely I am s open to her about anything and she gladly assist and answer me each time. Her PF is only 400 php. But the test are a bit expensive the pap smear cost me 500php and the vaginal ultrasound cost me 850php.. That's a lot of money for someone who has no job like me. I am dependent solely with bf as of the moment. I know its sad but I am hanging there. After a few seconds gynecologist interpret the ultrasound and she said that my reproductive organ are perfectly healthy and in good shape there's no need to worry.. I was so happy and yet confused If I am perfectly healthy how come I can't conceive that easily. Bf often told me its not yet time. Let's just wait in Gods time. If he give us the we shall have. Well I guess it's not easy to have and make a baby.. It's not as easy as 1, 2, 3... My gynecologist prescribed a medication to help me ovulate and she said to wait till I have my period and after a week I'll come back to get the result of my pap smear..
After a week I returned to get my pap smear and guess what I have a Bacterial vaginosis.. How in the world did I get such a thing. As a nurse I know that it isn't STD but still it is an infection and it can do harm to a baby once she passed the birth canal and caused oral thrush and conjunctivitis in neonate. I don't wanna have that in my future child. So she prescribed a medication again.. I waited till my period.. I wanna make sure before I take medications of any sorts that I am not pregnant..
It was first week of July 2011 that I noticed something is wrong with my period. My period became so light like a spoon per day. I was frantic. I am 33 years old and I used to have a hyperthyroidism when I was young and not only that I was underweight. I asked myself if this could be an early sign of menopause. Bf told me to relax and he often said let's try again next month. He thought me not to give up. Imagine the frustrations I had each month since we live together and each month my period never fails to visit me.. Geez.. There is too much in my mind..
I visited the gynecologist again and do some test once again, the gynecologist broke the news that I have UTI or urinary tract infection and she told me that I am not ovulating.. So I cried.. She said to come back and redo the test again after a week. I am frustrated again.. It was heartbreaking... I suffered.. I prayed hard and try to live a healthy life..
Then the good news came after a week... i had a transvaginal ultrasound again and we found out I was six weeks pregnant. I was shocked. Imagine the gynecologist told me I wasn't ovulating and now there is a six week fetus in my tummy with a heartbeat already. I was happy amidst m disbelief and shock.
Now I am on my 18weeks... so cheers everyone and have faith. This baby is truly a blessing and an additional to our family.. Baby dust to all..