Hello Mommies,
I would like to share my blessing that I got today from Honest Bee. As you all know I am a frequent Bee shopper because I don't have the luxury of time to go to the supermarket. Not that I am a very busy person but I prefer to stay at home and do something else while waiting for my items to arrive. I hate lining up in the grocery especially if there is a long que and aside from that I tend to buy the things that I don't need like items on sale. That is why I am skipping grocery shopping for a while now. hehehe. Well, it's just me.
What makes me fall in love with Honest Bee? It is as easy as 1, 2, 3. There are a lot of shops to choose from. You can also check their food and beverage sections: from fresh produce, to frozen, organic or even restaurants. You can even get a free delivery if you met their amount requirement. You have to keep in mind that some shop especially where I shop at the Robinson supermarket they have a concierge fee of P99, which I don't mind because I know to myself that when I go to the grocery personally I will not stick on the budget, and I might pay more. LOL.
Every now and then Honest Bee is offering tons of promos. You just have to keep an eye on them or check them out once in a while. Like today Honest Bee is giving P500 off from your P3000 or P1000 off from your P5000 worth of groceries.
Imagine that guys??? It is indeed a HUGE SAVINGS. Especially to all moms out there who are struggling with their budget
Lucky for me I did my grocery today because our kitchen and refrigerator are so bare now. I opt for the P3000 only because I don't have much money and I only have that budget in mind just in case the promo code is not working. Again I used the TNXBEE2U500 promo code and they less P500 from my P3100 bill.
I only paid P2600.

Before I forget I also used my shopback app so I can earn REBATES from my groceries. So Double whammy..
For those of you who are interested to get SHOPBACK APP and for HONESTBEE APP you may download by clicking the link. Do not worry it is completely safe and hassle free plus no hidden charges.
Hurray for today.