Hello Sunshine.
I personally experienced having a very long period. It is like 16 days which prompt me to have a check up with my OB Gyne. I was not planning to visit her actually because my period often slow don like a spotting and then the next day there will be gushing. I was thinking this could be hormonal because I am experiencing stress lately with life and finances. So just like you I am struggling to make our budget get buy and money for the check up is not part of the list. I know what you will say. Why I do not have an emergency fund. That is what I am asking myself too. Our income is just limited. I do not have a multiple income stream. Both my blog and vlogs income is not enough to cash out yet. I hope you do not mind supporting me, These way you are making a great impact on our life. And we are just dependent on a single income household. We are trying our best to make both ends meet. But the expenses is just a handful. I will strive harder to be financially independent. I wish I can double our household income in a months time before Judith (due date) and Billy (bills) knock on our door again.
Well anyhow, I finally decided not to go to work to have a check up to find out what is wrong with my reproductive organ because I cannot see an end to this bleeding episodes, I am afraid to get anemia and super afraid to get a blood transfusion God forbid. I used whatever I saved for the bills to have a money for check up.
What the OB GYNE did?
First she wanted to check if I am pregnant. So I had a pregnancy test. It came out negative.
Next, She put a vaginal speculum to see where the bleeding is coming from and it came from the inside not definite which part of my reproductive organs.
Next she did an internal exam or IE to feel if I have some mass on my lower abdomen or shall I say matres in tagalog. She did not feel any. It is a big relief.
I was supposed to have a Transvaginal Ultrasound but their machine is under maintenance that time so I have to go somewhere for the test. This is to clearly see where am I bleeding.
I went to her other clinic where there is Ultrasound machine and did the procedure there. Then, she finally saw what is the cause of my long period. As of this writing it is now exactly 18days She saw that I have Myoma or fibroids. She found 3 myomas that she says a grape in size. Which gave me a shock because I am only 43 years old and no bad habits like smoking and drinking alcohol, I am not even a fan of coffee and as much as possible I do not take self medicate. I am still in disbelief. She said she cannot clearly see what is inside my uterus because the lining and the bleeding still hinder her sight. She needs to repeat all the test after 1 week if the menstruation will stop or else I will undergo a dilatation and curettage. I am praying and hoping that I won't have to go through that 😭
After the visit she prescribed Tranexamic Acid. Full dose 3x a day for 2 days. I am kinda scared of this because the side effect of this medicine is having blood clots and that will be another ordeal. God forbid I will surpass this.
She also prescribed me Primolut N - a hormonal medicine particularly progesterone that will help my body control irregular bleeding or heavy periods. This I have to take for 5 days.
As what I've said, I need to go back to her clinic again after 1 week to repeat all the test.
AWARENESS: Taking of Tranexamic Acid and Primolut N increased the risk of blood clot so extreme measure should be done. And please get a prescription before taking any medicine because that might put you on risk for clotting.
What are my signs and symptoms prior to this longer period episode?
Nothing. It just happen on the 5th day and my last day of my period while I was at work I felt a sudden heavy flow and I was puzzled because it was supposed to be the last day and all I have was a spotting. I did not feel any pain like dysmenorrhea or even mild cramps. When I got home I am fully soaked. I just take it as my normal day. On my 7th day this is the heaviest part because I can feel it dripping. Excuse for those who are eating. On the 10th day it slows down. Then its like a roller coaster. It will slow down then the next day it will gush. I was thinking my body is expelling so much and little reproduction of blood is happening. It might cause me anemia. That is the time I decided to get a consultation.
What is myoma?
My Ob Gyne told me not to worry too much about myoma because it is mostly benign and eventually it will decrease in size if you reached the menopausal stage and most often people do not need surgery for that.
Mr Google answered most of my questions in mind. Here is what I found out about it.
Myoma or fibroids appear during a woman's child bearing age and when her estrogen level is high.
How are we going to prevent myoma?
- Avoid salty food
- Avoid processed food
- Avoid alcoholic drinks/caffein
- Exercise regularly
- Loose weight if possible
- Eat potassium reach food.
How much does it all cost?
Ob Gyne's fee - P500
Pregnancy test - P300
IE Test - P200
Transvaginal ultrasound - P1670
Medicine: Tranexamic acid - P39 per cap
Primolut N - P 45 per tab
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***Photo credits to the owner.
***Not Paid Post. Reviews are my own personal experience and opinions.
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